Fast Extraction Is Crucial When Dealing With Water Damage In Your Hartford Warehouse
6/10/2019 (Permalink)

Fast Extraction Solutions For Your Hartford Warehouse
Hartford is among the top five biggest cities through the state, with more than 120,000 people, and as a result, has bustling commercial districts and remains a hub of business. Your warehouse stores inventory for multiple franchise locations, and can also serve as a distribution center for specific items shipped directly to customers. With the speed of business and how reliant, the parent company is to your facility, your warehouse functions 24 hours a day. When disasters like flooding occur, you need a fast and effective response to protect your employees, your building, and the vital stock and inventory.
Protecting the items within your Hartford warehouse from impending flood damage requires precision and a carefully orchestrated plan completed with trained professionals like our SERVPRO team. We have a contents department that can work immediately to address the pressing risks to the stock, inventory, equipment, and documents that you have in the facility. With full trailers and trucks that arrive at your building along with our rapid response team, we can begin moving at-risk items out of the facility for focused cleaning/disinfection, drying efforts, and safekeeping in a climate-controlled environment.
Even with the bulk of threatened contents getting removed or relocated to a safer part of the facility, our professionals must also address the standing water throughout the building. With the open floor plans of your warehouse, water damage can spread considerable distances unhindered. The extraction must happen through the use of several pieces of equipment, often beginning with our powerful truck-mounted options.
We can then pursue other damaged areas of the property with our other extraction tools such as our submersible pumps, wet-vacs with extraction wands, and similar choices. Once our SERVPRO team successfully removes the standing water, they can get to work on protecting the warehouse with rapid drying solutions.
With the city being a hub for activity for the entire state, a disaster like flooding can halt production and compromise the reputation of the company you represent. Let our SERVPRO of Newington / Central Hartford help keep your business going even after a disaster by calling (860) 667-9191.
Click here for more about Hartford.