How Should Water Cleanup Processes in Hartford Homes Run?
11/16/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Plans for Moisture Management, Soils Removal, and Deodorization to Guarantee Positive Outcomes
Cleaning up your Harford home after a water spill may not always go as you expect, which can be frustrating. Sometimes unforeseen problems crop up, but in other cases, poor planning impedes many of the processes involved.
How the water cleanup process in your Hartford home turns out is rarely incidental. Therefore, with sufficient planning, you can steer the process towards your desired outcomes. Such planning is what sets professionals like SERVPRO aside, ensuring they keep delivering quality outcomes consistently. Planning mostly requires the identification of outstanding problems then scheduling appropriate times to tackle them during the cleanup.
Typically the issues that require the most attention when cleaning up property include:
- Moisture management
- Removal of soils
- Odor management
Moisture, whether from clean sources or otherwise, contributes to the soiling of properties. It might cause dyes in fabrics to run, metals to rust, or resins in wooden furniture to leak. Moisture is also responsible for microbial growth processes and rotting, which generate foul odors. Removing moisture, especially if you manage to do it in good time, addresses all these problems. SERVPRO incorporates different aspects of moisture management into the cleanup process. For instance, we use powerful extractors when cleaning various floor surfaces removing soils and the absorbed water simultaneously. We can also set up dehumidifiers to keep humidity levels constant.
The soils left within your property after water intrusion can range from loose surface soils to stains. Cleaning them at a go may not be very practical. Our SERVPRO crews can start with spot cleaning to limit chances of stains setting before embarking on general cleanup.
SERVPRO of Newington / Central Hartford knows what leads to successful outcomes during water cleanup, thus making the appropriate plans. Call us at (860) 667-9191. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.